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Mualagawa power plant

December 25, 2019

Latest company case about Mualagawa power plant


The Chinese company, Hengfengyou, built the Muara Jawa Power Plant and successfully connected it to the Indonesian power grid at 18:58 on October 20. An important infrastructure project at the Mualagawa Mualagawa Power Plantin Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, is also an important part of the national power supply plan.

When operational, the plant will provide a reliable supply of electricityto thearea, promote local economic development, recycle waste resources andbringconsiderable convenience to the lives of local residents. All construction materials are purchasedfrom local suppliers to stimulate economic growth.


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The constructionteam has never forgotten momentumChina's social commitment.They respect the customs of the local people, donate to those in need and participatein variouscommunity activities related to education, Public Welfare and festivals.The projectowner, Indonesian forces, has written several times to Heng Feng you,saying that theMuarajawa power plant is the best power construction project in    Indonesia and that theconstruction site has received many government visits, which were reported by majorIndonesian media groups.


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